ViSUS Docker Deployment

Revision as of 22:45, 29 May 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs) (How to customize the list of datasets on your server)
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Quick start

Start your Docker and login into your account. If you don't have installed follow these instructions: Docker Documentation

To log in from your terminal:

docker login
Username: your_username
Password: XXXX

Now pull the ViSUS image:

docker pull visus/visus

This image contains:

Run the image:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 visus/visus

Check if the server is running:

curl -v "http://localhost:8080/mod_visus?action=list"

You will get a list of the current datasets on the server.

Content of the image

This image contains folders with configuration files and utilities. The folders of interest are under /visus:

  • config, it contains the visus server.config (see ViSUS configuration file)
  • apache2, it contains the apache2 config files that you can use for security settings (see ViSUS Server)
  • visus, it contains visus tool (see ViSUS Convert) to convert data to IDX format

The user can map those folders locally and edit them adding:

-v local_directory:docker_directory

when you run you docker image.

How to customize the list of datasets on your server

The list of dataset that the server exposes are contained in the ViSUS configuration file.

If you have already a ViSUS configuration file that you want to use, you can run the container as following:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/config:/visus/config visus/visus

and edit the visus.config file (see ViSUS configuration file).

Note: The server needs to be able to read and write the configuration file, so make sure that your server.config has the right privileges. For example:

chmod 766 /path/to/your/server.config

Making the configuration file writable will allow to add datasets dynamically using the action add_dataset (see ViSUS Server).

If you also want to customize the apache security (e.g. change the users) you can run the command to mount also the apache2 directory as following:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/config:/visus/config -v $PWD/apache2:/visus/apache2 visus/visus

Use ViSUS convert from the Docker container

The ViSUS tools executables (see ViSUS Convert) are contained in the image under /usr/local/visus/bin.

For example, if you want to use the tools to convert a raw dataset using your docker deployment you can do it as follow.

Mount a folder that contains your raw data and your converted idx data as follow:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v /full/path/to/your/raw/:/home/visus/datasets/raw -v /full/path/to/your/idx/:/home/visus/datasets/idx visus/visus

Check that your container is running correctly (using docker ps) and take note of the Container ID.

Now run a bash session on this container using:

docker exec -it <id_from_docker_ps> /bin/bash

From this bash session you can use your ViSUS converter to convert your data (just mounted in the container) as described in ViSUS Convert.

Experimental: Web Viewer

You can preview and navigate you data on the server using the webviewer using your browser at the URL: http://localhost:8080

Here is a picture of the viewer: 2dwebviewer.png

With the commands on the bottom bar you can:

  • change server
  • set a slice (if using a 3D dataset)
  • set a timestep
  • set palettes and min-max range
  • choose a field of the selected dataset

Note: this component is experimental and under development.