ViSUS Docker Deployment
Quick start
Start your Docker and login into your account. If you don't have installed follow these instructions: Docker Documentation
To log in from your terminal:
docker login Username: your_username Password: XXXX
Now pull the ViSUS image:
docker pull visus/visus
This image contains:
- the ViSUS Server
- configuration files (see ViSUS configuration file)
- a simple 2D web viewer
- some tools to convert data (see ViSUS Convert).
Run the image:
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 visus/visus
Check if the server is running:
curl -v "http://localhost:8080/mod_visus?action=list"
You will get a list of the current datasets on the server.
Content of the image
This image contains folders with configuration files and utilities. The folders of interest are under /visus:
- config, it contains the visus server.config (see ViSUS configuration file)
- apache2, it contains the apache2 config files that you can use for security settings (see ViSUS Server)
- visus, it contains visus tool (see ViSUS Convert) to convert data to IDX format
The user can map those folders locally and edit them adding:
-v local_directory:docker_directory
when you run you docker image.
ViSUS Server for NetCDF data
An addition on-demand conversion service for NetCDF datasets is available in the "ondemand" Docker container.
To try it, pull the ViSUS on-demand image:
docker pull visus/ondemand
This container provides three services:
- the ViSUS Server
- conversion service (i.e., currently limited to NetCDF datasets)
- a simple Web viewer
How to run the Containter
You need to specify few simple settings:
- the port you want to use for the conversion service (internal 80)
- the port you want to use for the webviewer and data server (internal 42299)
- the folder containing the files to serve/convert (i.e., NetCDF files), this will be mapped to "/data/xml" in the container
- a folder to use for caching the multiresolution data for streaming, this will be mapped to "/data/idx" in the container
Quick start with some demo data:
# create directory for your input data mkdir -p $PWD/nc # create directory for your cache mkdir -p $PWD/idx # download a sample NetCDF dataset wget -O ./nc/
Run the container:
docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 42299:42299 -v $PWD/nc:/data/xml -v $PWD/idx:/data/idx visus/ondemand
In this run command we mapped:
- port 80, used in the container for the data streaming and webviewer services
- port 42299, used in the container for the NetCDF data conversion service
How to visualize your data on the server
Go to the On-demand test page: http://localhost/ondemand.php. Note: replace "localhost" with your server name and port if you are running with custom settings.
In this page you will find the list of *.nc contained in the folder you provided. You can click on the corresponding "View" button to visualize your data. Note: if the dataset has not been already converted the request could take a few second since it will be converting on-demand.
How to customize the list of datasets on your server
The list of dataset that the server exposes are contained in the ViSUS configuration file.
If you have already a ViSUS configuration file that you want to use, you can run the container as following:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/config:/visus/config visus/visus
and edit the visus.config file (see ViSUS configuration file).
Note: The server needs to be able to read and write the configuration file, so make sure that your server.config has the right privileges. For example:
chmod 766 /path/to/your/server.config
Making the configuration file writable will allow to add datasets dynamically using the action add_dataset (see ViSUS Server).
If you also want to customize the apache security (e.g. change the users) you can run the command to mount also the apache2 directory as following:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/config:/visus/config -v $PWD/apache2:/visus/apache2 visus/visus
Convert your data in IDX using the Docker deployment
The ViSUS tools executables (see ViSUS Convert) are contained in the container under /usr/local/visus/bin
For example, if you want to use the tools to convert a raw dataset using your docker deployment you can do it as follow.
Mount a folder that contains your raw data and your converted idx data as follow:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v /full/path/to/your/raw/:/home/visus/datasets/raw -v /full/path/to/your/idx/:/home/visus/datasets/idx visus/visus
Check that your container is running correctly (using docker ps
) and take note of the Container ID.
Now run a bash session on this container using:
docker exec -it <id_from_docker_ps> /bin/bash
From this bash session you can use your ViSUS converter to convert your data (just mounted in the container) as described in ViSUS Convert.
Experimental: Web Viewer
You can preview and navigate you data on the server using the webviewer using your browser at the URL: http://localhost:8080
Here is a picture of the viewer:
With the commands on the bottom bar you can:
- change server
- set a slice (if using a 3D dataset)
- set a timestep
- set palettes and min-max range
- choose a field of the selected dataset
Note: this component is experimental and under development.